In a world with little time and enormous complexities, people are rediscovering the simple pleasures in life. Some are returning to a world where black and white—and all the shades of gray in between—depict the essence of life.
30 August, 2009
How About Live-In Relation-ship?
Suddenly i thought Life is a bit complicated thing. Sometimes a few moments are required to understand someone and sometimes one cannot understand other during entire lifetime and Marriages are made in heaven and broken on earth.What essential thing that is grossly missing today in our relationships is love, trust and commitment.
One OF My Friend said to me "marriage is a journey, where the two people wear there worst clothes". well its true that a marriage needs to be based on the principles of mutuality and reciprocity of rights and obligations.
Living-in relation is mostly a decision made by the new generation women. Men were always ready for a "liability free" sex life. But for women, it is a bold step she is taking or a kind of challenge she is making on the male section who still fancy to live on the money of her father, fancy to keep a Sati-savitri at home.Women today understand her more. She know her wants and desires. Men will no longer be able to hide their inability or weakness under the "sanctity" cover of marriage.I disagree with all those ppl who think that Live-in relationships promote pre-marital sex. Ppl indulge in it anyway Live-in is not just about sex, it also about knowing the other person, cutting costs in expensive urban cities.Plus it's a personal choice.The concept of live has come in when women has started asserting their rights. Its not that it was not happening in earlier societies, only difference it was being done by the MALE species. Live in is nothing but a choice exerted by two consentual adults. If you equate it to free sex then it is your misdoing. As far as love is concerned it is there in a live in as well. Except a legal agreement, it is the same as marriage.
As well as this is India we respect Family n Traditions n still we believe that marriage is not happen only between two person but between two families the old rituals are there with two person to bless them and give them strength to understand each other the family is there to support them and still it is believe that if you love someone you can adjust with them easily in the marriage n there is feeling of sacrifice in marriage.Our society has a heritage of its own. It need not be influenced by western culture. Marriage has been and is a successful phenomenon.What is correct is marriages based on love , trust and commitment which last a lifetime.
26 August, 2009
Jinnah According to JaswantSingh
“Sahil pay baiteh baiteh he mazdhar ke batain karthe hain … I can’t be a bystander, I’ve to be in the midstream of that emotion (re-living partition). It’s very difficult and you don’t always succeed, so I suffer that agony”
It is very obvious to oppose the JaswantSingh’s book on Jinnah, Because Hinduwadi BJP never accept that The man Who Cause for the Partition of India will become a "hero" by this book....... at any cost.
But it a Primary look if these issue
On another side of this issue JaswantSingh has full rights to brighten the very crucial and important positive things about Jinnah which will make some positive attitude about him.
Well As I think This is an excellent article by Mr. J Singh. He should be well commented about the candid comments put forward in front of the general public. Actually the founder of Pakistan Mr. M Jinnah should not be blamed but the former Prime Minister of India Hon. Jawaharlal Nehru should be blamed for all these chaos created not only for Muslims but also for the majority of Hindus in India. Mr. Jinnah’s dreams of Pakistan will only be fulfilled only those Muslims in India should be allowed to migrate to Pakistan and those Hindus want to migrate from Pakistan to India is materialized. Please therefore take appropriate action by the concerned authorities in both countries in complying with his wishes for a peaceful co-existence of both countries. Also note that Israel is created for Jewish from around the world, India is created for Hindus and Pakistan is created for Muslims from India and hence please do this action and have peace for both India and Pakistan as required.
20 August, 2009
"Talk to the Mirror teaches us to be our own best coach and awaken a whole new world of self-esteem and empowerment. This is a must-read book for women of all ages–it is time to make ourselves #1 and use our powerful women’s intuition to reach our true personal potential!"
–Maxine Clark, founder and Chief Executive Bear, Build-A-Bear Workshop
"Is how I perceive my image in the mirror the way other people actually see me when they look at me, or do I look different to myself than I do to other people, the same way I look a little different in still photographs than I do in real life?"
Here's a fun little experiment you can do to figure it out. Get two mirrors and set them up opposite of one another and at a slight angle, so that you can see yourself in profile in one mirror if you look into the opposite one. Do you look the same when you look at yourself reflected in two mirrors, from the side, as you do when you look at yourself straight on in one mirror? You don't. The way we see ourselves is shaped by a lot of things - the lighting, what we're wearing, how we feel that day, what our hair is doing, what angle we're looking at ourselves from... and just our general self image. Some days are better than others because you are in a better mood, and that mood really does affect your view of yourself. Other people don't have that distorted self-image lens to look through, so they see us differently than we see ourselves.
Mirror Work is a very powerful exercise to increase Self-Esteem and remind us of our excellence. When we look into the mirror, most of us are used to criticizing what we see and focusing on what needs "fixing." It can be very difficult to look into the mirror and tell yourself "I love you and accept you completely." The mirror reflects our feelings and tells us what we need to change in ourselves. Your light shines so brightly that others can't help but be attracted to you and want to know your secret.
For certain people what they see in the mirror is what others see because they believe that what you see yourself as others will see. On the other hand, you have people who can't stand to look at their refection but there are others (friends, family, and even strangers) that see all the things that that person cannot. So they try their hardest to help them see what the mirror cannot.
05 March, 2009
Are U Addicted to Alcohole?
26 January, 2009
HappY RePiblic DaY
A Famous Quote I have Been Read Somewhere
"“If you want to walk quick, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together !”
So Let us pledge to walk together to walk far. Far from misery and want. Far from hate and treachery. Far from intolerance and division. Let us be together in resolve. Let us be together in commitment. Let us be together in belief. Let us build and not destroy. Accommodate and not repel. Hold hands and not dispel. Never more have we felt the need for all of this than today. When all around and within us crumbles let us be strong Enough to beat any crucial situation , Repair Our dignity and persistence and show the Other that we are indeed different, strong , we shall not bend or turn back or stop.
we shall walk in our multitudes with pride and passion.
Really the last year have been a bad dream for us and lets do something that it could not happen ever again lets teach them we are independent and strong enough to teach them a lesson but we didn't do such till now because we believe in PEACE ; but its enough to save our country we have to do it now onwards so lets decide n determine to remove terrorism ...
I Just Have Read An Indian Army Quote in My Mail....
"Forgiving a terrorist is left to God,
But fixing their appointment with God is our responsibility"
So let us play our Responsibility
JAI HIND ..........!!!!!!!!!!!!