You must be out of the house after a heated argument with your parents. You must be contemplating what caused you to storm your emotions at your parents. After the emotions cool down, a new thought may enter your relaxed mind "Why do I fight with my parents so much? Am I the only prodigal son/daughter, who hurt the feelings of my parents?" The answer is No! You are not alone but, a part of the universal aspect of quarrel between parents and children.Your parents have seen you from your infancy and taken important decisions for you at many times. They decided your costumes, food, primary educational institutions and daily schedule! During your childhood you were entirely dependent on their decisions and assistance.
You never thought of winning an argument against them, even when you were dissatisfied at their decisions.The entry into adolescence may bring a new feeling of individuality to you. You may visualize yourself as a person capable of deciding everything in life. Alas! Your attempts to develop your own identity may clash with the entire different identities of your parents.
Even though it is completely normal for teens to create own opinions, thoughts, and values about life, parents may not find it acceptable at many times. They may find your taste for rock music, skimpy clothes or parties utterly fatal and the above mentioned situation repeats so often.Your growth into a new person may cause many reasons for argument with your parents. You may pick up an argument with your parents as they comment on your friends, your attitude about sex or any other serious aspect. You may find their comments as intrusions and cannot control your emotions while arguing with them.The reason for their comments is that they have not yet got adjusted with you as a new person and will always be intent on protecting you and keeping you safe, no matter how old you are. The good news is that arguing will lessen as parents get more comfortable with the idea that you are grown up person, mature enough to take the decisions.
All healthy relationships have a base on the mutual adjustment and the same rule is applicable to your relationship with the parents. Since you and your parents have own individualities, it is only natural that to have a quarrel between you. However, after the emotions calm down find time to talk to your parents and communicate your point of view. Be a good listener and change your view points if, there is any genuine reason for their argument.You must remember that your parents were patient with you at many times of your growth. They may expect the same patience at least in small exchange from you. In another way the retired life or old age ailments may make the more vulnerable to quarrels. They may really want to talk to you at times and granting this wish may curtail many of your arguments.
Always remember that you will realize the true value of your parents only when you become a parent tomorrow!